Wande coal new video

Wande Coal is a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter! I'd be happy to help you with his latest music video.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Wande Coal has released several new songs and music videos in recent times. Here are a few of his latest ones:

  1. "Again" (2022) - This is a romantic single with a catchy melody and lyrics. The music video features Wande Coal and his love interest in a beautiful setting.
  2. "Vex" (2022) - This song is a high-energy dance track with a catchy chorus. The music video showcases Wande Coal's energetic performance and features some impressive dance moves.
  3. "Kpononor" (2021) - This song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B, with Wande Coal's signature smooth vocals. The music video features him performing the song in a dark, atmospheric setting.

Please note that music releases and availability can vary depending on your location and streaming platforms. You can check out Wande Coal's official social media channels or music streaming platforms like YouTube, Apple Music, or Spotify to stay updated on his latest releases.

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