Wakanda forever prologue album zip mp3 download lyrics

It seems like you're looking for the Wakanda Forever: Prologue album by Black Panther, which is a soundtrack to the Marvel movie Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Here's what I can provide:

Album Information:

Download Options:

You can find the Wakanda Forever: Prologue album on various music streaming platforms and online stores. Here are a few options:

  1. Spotify: You can stream the album on Spotify by searching for "Wakanda Forever: Prologue" and clicking on the "Play" button.
  2. Apple Music: You can find the album on Apple Music by searching for "Wakanda Forever: Prologue" and clicking on the "Play" button.
  3. Amazon Music: You can purchase the album on Amazon Music or stream it with an Amazon Prime membership.
  4. Google Play Music: You can find the album on Google Play Music by searching for "Wakanda Forever: Prologue" and clicking on the "Play" button.
  5. iTunes: You can purchase the album on iTunes or stream it with an Apple Music subscription.


Since the Wakanda Forever: Prologue album is an instrumental score, there are no lyrics to provide. The album features a beautiful and emotive soundtrack that complements the movie's themes and action sequences.

Zip File:

I couldn't find a zip file for the Wakanda Forever: Prologue album. Since it's a soundtrack, it's not typically available for download as a zip file. However, you can find individual tracks or the entire album on the music streaming platforms mentioned above.

I hope this information helps!