Waec ghana news

Here are some recent news updates about WAEC Ghana:

Latest News

  1. WAEC Releases 2022 BECE Results: The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has released the results of the 2022 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for Ghana. According to the results, 74.1% of students passed the examination. [Source: GhanaWeb]
  2. WAEC Introduces New Subject for BECE: WAEC has introduced a new subject, Integrated Science, to the BECE curriculum. The subject is designed to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. [Source: Graphic Online]
  3. WAEC Warns Against Malpractice: WAEC has warned against malpractice in the upcoming BECE examination. The council has urged parents, teachers, and students to avoid any form of cheating and to ensure that the examination is conducted fairly. [Source: MyJoyOnline]

Recent Developments

  1. WAEC Partners with Ghana Education Service: WAEC has partnered with the Ghana Education Service (GES) to improve the quality of education in Ghana. The partnership aims to enhance the teaching and learning process, as well as to improve the overall performance of students in the BECE examination. [Source: Ghana News Agency]
  2. WAEC Introduces E-Examination System: WAEC has introduced an e-examination system to reduce the risk of examination malpractice. The system uses biometric technology to identify students and prevent impersonation. [Source: Daily Graphic]
  3. WAEC Launches New Website: WAEC has launched a new website to provide easy access to information about the council's activities, examination results, and other relevant information. [Source: GhanaWeb]

Upcoming Events

  1. 2023 BECE Examination: The 2023 BECE examination is scheduled to take place from May 15 to June 2, 2023. [Source: WAEC Ghana]
  2. WAEC Conference: The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is organizing a conference for stakeholders in the education sector. The conference will focus on issues related to education and examination in West Africa. [Source: Ghana News Agency]

I hope this information is helpful!