Wadume news

You're referring to the recent news about Wadume, a notorious kidnapper who was involved in the abduction of 27 people, including 13 police officers, in Taraba State, Nigeria.

Here's a brief summary of the latest developments:

Wadume's Arrest: On August 6, 2019, Wadume was arrested by the police in Taraba State after a fierce gun battle between his gang and a team of police officers. He was subsequently taken into custody and is currently being held at the Police Intelligence Response Team (IRT) headquarters in Abuja.

Confession: During his interrogation, Wadume confessed to being the mastermind behind the kidnapping of the 27 people, including the 13 police officers. He also revealed that he had been involved in several other kidnapping cases in the region.

Revelations: Wadume's confession has led to some shocking revelations. He claimed that he had been working with some corrupt police officers who were taking bribes from him to protect his criminal activities. He also alleged that some high-ranking government officials were aware of his activities and were receiving kickbacks from him.

Investigation: The police have launched a thorough investigation into Wadume's activities and have arrested several of his accomplices. The investigation is ongoing, and it is expected that more arrests will be made in the coming days.

Consequences: Wadume's arrest and confession have sent shockwaves through the country, with many calling for justice and accountability. The incident has also raised concerns about corruption and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the government.

Overall, Wadume's arrest and confession are a significant development in the fight against kidnapping and other forms of criminality in Nigeria. It is hoped that his case will serve as a deterrent to others and help to bring an end to the scourge of kidnapping in the country.