Vote buying apc chieftain urges fg to withhold bayelsas n7bn vat refund

It appears that there is a developing story in Nigeria, and I'll do my best to provide a summary.

According to reports, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Bayelsa State, Israel Sunny Ogungor, has urged the Federal Government to withhold the N7 billion Value Added Tax (VAT) refund owed to the state government.

Ogungor, who is also the APC's Deputy Chairman in Bayelsa, made this call in a statement, citing alleged vote buying and electoral malpractices during the 2019 governorship election in the state. He claimed that the refund was a way for the Federal Government to "buy" the votes of Bayelsans.

The APC chieftain alleged that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) government in Bayelsa had engaged in massive vote buying and electoral malpractices during the election, which he claimed had undermined the integrity of the electoral process.

Ogungor's call has sparked controversy, with many questioning the motives behind his request. Some have accused him of trying to use the Federal Government to settle political scores, while others have criticized the APC chieftain for attempting to undermine the democratic process.

The Bayelsa State government has not commented on the matter, but the Federal Government has been urged to investigate the allegations of vote buying and electoral malpractices made by Ogungor.

It's worth noting that the N7 billion VAT refund is a legitimate entitlement of the Bayelsa State government, and withholding it without a valid reason could be seen as an attempt to undermine the state's finances.

I hope this summary provides a clear understanding of the situation. Do you have any specific questions or concerns about this story?