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US and China Reach Trade Deal, Tariffs to be Rolled Back

Washington, D.C. - In a major breakthrough, the United States and China have reached a trade deal, ending a prolonged trade war that has affected global markets and economies.

According to sources, the deal will see China agree to increase its purchases of US agricultural products, including soybeans and pork, by $12.5 billion over the next two years. In return, the US will roll back tariffs on $120 billion worth of Chinese goods, including electronics and machinery.

The agreement is seen as a major victory for the Trump administration, which has been pushing for a more balanced trade relationship with China. The deal is also expected to boost economic growth and create jobs in the US.

US-China Trade Deal: What's in it for You?

The deal is expected to have significant implications for consumers and businesses around the world. Here are some key takeaways:

Reaction from Around the World

The news has been met with a mixed reaction from around the world. Some have hailed the deal as a major breakthrough, while others have expressed concerns over the lack of progress on key issues such as intellectual property and labor rights.

In Beijing, Chinese officials have welcomed the deal, saying it marks a major step forward in the development of US-China relations.

In Washington, D.C., lawmakers from both parties have praised the deal, saying it will help to boost the US economy and create jobs.

However, some critics have expressed concerns over the lack of transparency and accountability in the deal, saying it could lead to further exploitation of workers and the environment.

Stay Tuned for Further Updates

This is [Your Name], reporting for VOA News. We will continue to bring you updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.