Voa news now

Here are the latest news stories from Voice of America (VOA):

Top Stories

  1. US, China Hold High-Level Talks Amid Tensions: The United States and China have held high-level talks in Washington, amid ongoing tensions over trade, security, and human rights. The talks were led by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng.
  2. Russia-Ukraine Conflict Escalates: The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated, with reports of heavy shelling and fighting in the eastern region of Donbas. The United States has condemned Russia's actions and imposed new sanctions.
  3. COVID-19 Cases Surge in Europe: COVID-19 cases are surging in Europe, with many countries reporting record numbers of infections. The World Health Organization has warned of a "very high" risk of transmission in the region.

International News

  1. India's COVID-19 Crisis Worsens: India's COVID-19 crisis has worsened, with the country reporting over 400,000 new cases in the past 24 hours. The government has imposed new restrictions to try to slow the spread of the virus.
  2. North Korea Conducts Missile Test: North Korea has conducted a missile test, in defiance of international sanctions and warnings. The test is seen as a challenge to the United States and its allies in the region.
  3. Sudan's Military Takes Control: Sudan's military has taken control of the country, following a coup by the military council. The move has been condemned by the international community.

US News

  1. Biden Signs Executive Order on Climate Change: US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order aimed at addressing climate change. The order sets a goal of reducing US greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.
  2. US Senate Passes COVID-19 Relief Bill: The US Senate has passed a COVID-19 relief bill, which includes funding for vaccines, testing, and economic support for individuals and businesses.
  3. US Job Market Shows Signs of Recovery: The US job market is showing signs of recovery, with the unemployment rate falling to 5.8%. However, many economists warn that the recovery is still fragile and vulnerable to setbacks.

Business News

  1. Global Economy Faces Uncertainty: The global economy is facing uncertainty, with many countries struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Monetary Fund has warned of a "delicate" recovery.
  2. US Stock Market Hits New High: The US stock market has hit a new high, driven by strong earnings reports and optimism about the economic recovery.
  3. China's Economy Grows at Slowest Pace in a Year: China's economy grew at its slowest pace in a year, due to a decline in exports and a slowdown in domestic demand.

These are just some of the latest news stories from Voice of America. I hope you find them helpful!