Violent new breed

It seems like you're referring to the "Violent New Breed"!

The "Violent New Breed" is a term often used to describe the aggressive and violent behavior exhibited by some individuals, particularly in the context of street gangs, organized crime, or extremist groups. This term is often associated with the idea that these individuals are part of a new generation that is more prone to violence and aggression.

The concept of the "Violent New Breed" gained popularity in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly in the United States, as a way to describe the rise of gang violence, drug-related crime, and other forms of violent behavior. The term was often used in the media and by law enforcement to describe the perceived increase in violent crime rates and the changing nature of criminal behavior.

However, it's essential to note that the "Violent New Breed" is a stereotype and not a scientifically supported concept. Research has shown that violence is a complex issue that cannot be attributed to a single generation or demographic group. Instead, it is often the result of a combination of factors, including socioeconomic conditions, education, family dynamics, and individual choices.

What are your thoughts on the "Violent New Breed" concept? Do you think it's an accurate representation of the current state of violence and crime, or do you believe it's an oversimplification?