Vietnam cashew news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about the cashew industry in Vietnam:

  1. Vietnam's cashew exports surge in 2022: According to the Vietnam Cashew Association, the country's cashew exports reached 340,000 tons in 2022, valued at over $3.4 billion, a significant increase from 2021. (Source: Vietnam News)
  2. Cashew processing capacity expansion: The Vietnam Cashew Association has announced plans to expand the country's cashew processing capacity to 400,000 tons per year by 2025, in order to meet growing demand from international markets. (Source: Food Ingredients First)
  3. Vietnam's cashew industry faces challenges: Despite its growth, Vietnam's cashew industry is facing challenges such as high production costs, competition from other countries, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade. (Source: The Saigon Times)
  4. Cashew farmers in Vietnam receive support: The Vietnamese government has launched a program to support cashew farmers, including providing training and technical assistance, as well as subsidies for inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. (Source: Vietnam Economic Times)
  5. Vietnam's cashew exports to the US increase: According to the US Department of Agriculture, Vietnam's cashew exports to the US increased by 15% in 2022, making the US the country's largest cashew export market. (Source: USDA)
  6. Cashew processing technology upgrade: The Vietnam Cashew Association has partnered with a German company to upgrade cashew processing technology in the country, in order to improve product quality and increase exports. (Source: Vietnam Investment Review)
  7. Vietnam's cashew industry targets sustainable development: The Vietnam Cashew Association has launched a sustainable development program for the cashew industry, which aims to reduce environmental impact, improve labor standards, and increase farmer incomes. (Source: Vietnam News Agency)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates about the cashew industry in Vietnam. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!