Video traders workers laments their plights as lasg issued 7 days ultimatum


Lagos, Nigeria - The video traders workers in Lagos have expressed their frustration and disappointment over the recent ultimatum issued by the Lagos State Government (LASG) to vacate the popular Balogun Market.

The workers, who have been operating in the market for years, claim that they have been unfairly targeted and are being forced to leave their businesses without any alternative arrangements made for them.

"We have been here for years, paying our taxes and contributing to the economy of this state," said one of the workers, who preferred to remain anonymous. "But now, we are being told to leave without any compensation or support. It's unfair and unjust."

The workers also expressed concerns about the impact the eviction will have on their livelihoods and families. "I have a family to feed and a business to run," said another worker. "If I am forced to leave, I don't know how I will provide for them. The government should provide alternative solutions for us, not just kick us out on the street."

The LASG had issued a 7-day ultimatum to the video traders to vacate the market, citing the need to redevelop the area and improve the infrastructure. However, the workers claim that they have not been given any notice or compensation for their losses.

"We are not asking for much, just a fair deal and a chance to continue our businesses," said a third worker. "We are willing to work with the government to find a solution, but we cannot just be pushed out without any consideration."

The video traders workers are calling on the LASG to reconsider its decision and provide alternative solutions for them. They are also demanding compensation for their losses and a fair deal to continue their businesses.

"We are not going down without a fight," said one of the workers. "We will continue to fight for our rights and our livelihoods. We will not be silenced or pushed out without a fight."

The situation is still unfolding, and it remains to be seen how the LASG will respond to the demands of the video traders workers.