Video shatta wale father threaten call god phone #comments

It seems like you're referring to a recent controversy involving Shatta Wale, a popular Ghanaian musician. From what I understand, his father, Charles Mensah, made a video call to God's phone number, which was shared on social media. The video has sparked a lot of reactions and comments from fans and critics alike.

For those who may not be familiar, Shatta Wale's father, Charles Mensah, is a pastor and has been involved in various controversies in the past. In this recent incident, he made a video call to a phone number he claimed was God's, and the video was shared on social media.

Many people have been reacting to the video, with some expressing shock and disbelief, while others have been criticizing Shatta Wale's father for what they see as a publicity stunt. Some have also been questioning the authenticity of the phone number and the legitimacy of the call.

As you can imagine, this has sparked a lot of debate and discussion on social media, with many people sharing their thoughts and opinions on the matter. Some have been defending Shatta Wale's father, saying that he has the right to express his faith and beliefs, while others have been criticizing him for what they see as a publicity stunt.

What are your thoughts on this controversy? Do you think Shatta Wale's father was justified in making the video call, or do you think it was a publicity stunt?