Video ronaldo greets imaginary mascots as juventus inter takes place in coronavirus imposed silence

(The camera pans to Cristiano Ronaldo, standing alone on the pitch, wearing his Juventus jersey. The stadium is eerily silent, with no fans in attendance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ronaldo looks around, seemingly searching for someone to talk to.)

Ronaldo: (smiling) Ah, hello there, little friends! (he looks around, as if expecting to see some imaginary mascots)

(He spots an imaginary mascot, a cartoonish lion, standing next to him.)

Ronaldo: (excitedly) Ah, Leo! My old friend! How are you doing today?

(He pats the imaginary lion on the back, as if it were real.)

Ronaldo: (to the camera) You know, it's not the same without the fans, but I'm glad I have my friends like Leo to keep me company.

(He looks around again, and this time spots an imaginary mascot, a cartoonish dragon.)

Ronaldo: (laughing) Ah, Draco! You're looking fierce as always! (he pretends to high-five the imaginary dragon)

(He continues to chat with the imaginary mascots, seemingly oblivious to the fact that no one else is around.)

Ronaldo: (to the camera) You know, it's funny. When you're playing in front of a crowd, you can get caught up in the energy and forget about everything else. But when it's just you and your friends, you can really focus on the game.

(He looks around, as if expecting to see more imaginary mascots.)

Ronaldo: (smiling) Ah, I see we have a few more friends joining us today! (he spots an imaginary mascot, a cartoonish unicorn)

Ronaldo: (excitedly) Ah, Uni! You're looking magical as always! (he pretends to pet the imaginary unicorn)

(He continues to chat with the imaginary mascots, seemingly enjoying the silence and solitude of the empty stadium.)

Ronaldo: (to the camera) You know, it's not the same without the fans, but I'm glad I have my friends like Leo, Draco, and Uni to keep me company. (he looks around, as if expecting to see more imaginary mascots)

Ronaldo: (smiling) Ah, I think we're all set for today's match! (he pretends to wave goodbye to the imaginary mascots)

(The camera cuts to the Juventus Inter match, with Ronaldo playing in silence, surrounded by the empty stadium.)