Video news release

A video news release (VNR) is a pre-produced video segment that is designed to be used by news organizations to tell a story or convey information. VNRs are often used by companies, organizations, and government agencies to get their message out to a wider audience through the news media.

A typical VNR includes:

  1. A brief introduction or anchor segment that sets up the story
  2. A series of interviews with experts or individuals involved in the story
  3. B-roll footage of relevant locations, events, or activities
  4. Graphics, animations, or other visual elements to help illustrate the story
  5. A conclusion or wrap-up segment that summarizes the key points

VNRs are often used to:

  1. Share information about a new product or service
  2. Highlight a company's achievements or milestones
  3. Provide expert commentary on a current event or issue
  4. Promote a cause or charity
  5. Share research or study findings

The benefits of using VNRs include:

  1. Increased visibility and reach: VNRs can be distributed to a wide range of news outlets, increasing the chances of getting coverage.
  2. Cost-effective: Producing a VNR can be more cost-effective than producing a traditional news segment.
  3. Flexibility: VNRs can be used by news organizations in a variety of ways, such as airing them in their entirety, using clips in a news package, or incorporating them into a larger news story.
  4. Control: By producing a VNR, organizations can have more control over the message and the way it is presented.

However, VNRs have also been criticized for being overly promotional and lacking in journalistic integrity. Some critics argue that VNRs can be used to manipulate the news and present a biased or one-sided view of a story.

To ensure that VNRs are used effectively and ethically, it's important to:

  1. Clearly label the VNR as a promotional piece
  2. Provide accurate and balanced information
  3. Avoid using sensational or misleading language
  4. Be transparent about the source of the VNR
  5. Respect the editorial independence of news organizations

Some examples of VNRs include: