Video hudson odoi tests positive for coronavirus

I'm not aware of any information about Hudson-Odoi testing positive for coronavirus. However, I can suggest some possible sources where you may be able to find the information you're looking for:

  1. Official Chelsea FC website: You can check the official Chelsea FC website for any updates on Hudson-Odoi's health and well-being.
  2. BBC Sport: The BBC Sport website often reports on news and updates related to the Premier League and its players, including any cases of COVID-19.
  3. The Guardian: The Guardian is a reputable news source that often reports on sports news, including updates on the Premier League and its players.
  4. Sky Sports: Sky Sports is another reputable news source that often reports on sports news, including updates on the Premier League and its players.

It's important to note that any information you find online should be verified through reputable sources to ensure accuracy.