Video chelsea youngster billy gilmour embarrasses liverpool ace fabinho

It sounds like you're referring to a recent football match where Chelsea youngster Billy Gilmour had a impressive performance against Liverpool's Fabinho!

For those who might not know, Billy Gilmour is a Scottish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Chelsea FC. He's been making waves in the football world with his impressive skills and performances.

Fabinho, on the other hand, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Liverpool FC. He's a highly experienced and skilled player, known for his exceptional defensive skills and vision on the pitch.

From what I've gathered, Billy Gilmour had a fantastic game against Liverpool, and at one point, he managed to embarrass Fabinho with a clever piece of skill. It's always exciting to see young players like Gilmour making a name for themselves in the football world!

Would you like to know more about Billy Gilmour's performance or the match itself?