Video champagne by kidi ghana music

You're looking for the song "Champagne" by Kidi, a Ghanaian musician!

"Champagne" is a popular song by Kidi, a member of the Ghanaian music group Lynx Entertainment. The song was released in 2017 and has gained massive attention and popularity in Ghana and beyond.

Here's a brief summary of the song:

"Champagne" is an upbeat, energetic Afrobeats track with a catchy chorus and infectious rhythm. The song's lyrics are about living life to the fullest, enjoying the finer things, and celebrating success. Kidi's smooth vocals and the song's production, handled by Richie Mensah, make it a standout track in Ghanaian music.

If you're interested in listening to the song, you can find it on various music streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and more.