Vicente fernandez wife maria del refugio abarca villasenor biography age net worth

Here's the information you requested about Vicente Fernández's wife, María del Refugio Abarca Villaseñor:

Biography: María del Refugio Abarca Villaseñor was born on November 15, 1936, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She is a Mexican homemaker and the wife of the late Vicente Fernández, a renowned Mexican singer, actor, and film producer.

Marriage: María del Refugio married Vicente Fernández on June 20, 1963, and they had three children together: Vicente Fernández Jr. (born 1963), Alejandra Fernández (born 1965), and Gerardo Fernández (born 1968).

Age: As of 2023, María del Refugio Abarca Villaseñor is 87 years old.

Net Worth: María del Refugio's net worth is not publicly disclosed, as she is a private individual and not a public figure. However, her husband, Vicente Fernández, was estimated to have a net worth of around $60 million at the time of his death in 2021.

Personal Life: María del Refugio has been a devoted wife and mother, supporting her husband's career and raising their three children. She has been involved in various charitable activities, particularly in the field of education and healthcare.

Legacy: María del Refugio has been an integral part of Vicente Fernández's life and career, and her support has been instrumental in his success. She has also been a role model for many women in Mexico, demonstrating the importance of family values and dedication to one's loved ones.

I hope this information helps!