Veterinarian salary new york

The salary for a veterinarian in New York can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and type of practice. Here are some general salary ranges for veterinarians in New York:

Average Salary:

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the average annual salary for a veterinarian in New York is around $120,000.

Salary Ranges:

Here are some approximate salary ranges for veterinarians in New York:

Salary by Location:

Salaries can vary significantly depending on the location within New York. Here are some approximate salary ranges for veterinarians in different parts of the state:

Specialty Salaries:

Salaries can also vary depending on the type of practice or specialty. Here are some approximate salary ranges for veterinarians in different specialties:

Keep in mind that these are general salary ranges and can vary depending on many factors, including the specific employer, location, and individual experience.