Verod capital acquires 100 stake in law union rock insurance

I'm not aware of any information about Verod Capital acquiring a 100% stake in Law Union Rock Insurance. It's possible that this is a recent development or a rumor, but I couldn't find any reliable sources confirming this acquisition.

However, I can suggest some possible ways to verify this information:

  1. Check the official websites of Verod Capital and Law Union Rock Insurance for any announcements or press releases related to the acquisition.
  2. Search for news articles or reports from reputable financial or insurance publications that may have covered the acquisition.
  3. Contact the investor relations or corporate communications departments of both companies to ask about the acquisition.
  4. Check the regulatory filings of both companies, such as annual reports or quarterly earnings statements, to see if they mention the acquisition.

If you have any more information or context about the acquisition, I may be able to help you further.