Venezuela fire thousands of voting machines burned

I think there may be some misinformation here.

According to various news sources, including Reuters and BBC News, Venezuela has not burned thousands of voting machines. In fact, the country has been facing a severe political crisis and economic crisis, which has led to widespread shortages of basic goods, including food and medicine.

However, there have been reports of protests and unrest in Venezuela, which have sometimes turned violent. In 2019, the country's opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, declared himself interim president, which led to a political crisis and international tensions.

Regarding the voting machines, Venezuela has been using a system of paper ballots and manual counting for its elections. In 2018, the country's electoral authority, the National Electoral Council (CNE), announced that it would be replacing its electronic voting system with a new system that uses paper ballots and digital voting machines.

It's worth noting that the accuracy and transparency of Venezuela's elections have been questioned by many international observers and opposition groups, who have accused the government of manipulating the electoral process to maintain its power.

In summary, there is no evidence to suggest that thousands of voting machines have been burned in Venezuela. The country's electoral system has been the subject of controversy and debate, but there is no record of widespread destruction of voting machines.