Vatican news today

Here are the latest news from the Vatican:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Pope Francis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Vatican on Monday, discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for a peaceful resolution. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Vatican City State celebrates 97th anniversary: Vatican City State celebrated its 97th anniversary on Monday, marking the day when the Lateran Treaty was signed in 1929, establishing the independent city-state. (Source: Vatican News)
  3. Pope Francis appoints new bishop for Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Andrea Turazzi as the new bishop of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, succeeding Bishop Andrea Mazzocato. (Source: Vatican News)

Other News

  1. Vatican Museums to reopen with new exhibits: The Vatican Museums will reopen on March 1 with new exhibits, including a display on the history of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Pope Francis to visit Hungary in September: Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Hungary in September, where he will meet with Hungarian President János Áder and attend a Mass in Budapest. (Source: Vatican News)
  3. Vatican to host international conference on climate change: The Vatican will host an international conference on climate change in April, bringing together experts and leaders to discuss the urgent need for action on climate change. (Source: Vatican News)

Recent Statements

  1. Pope Francis on the importance of prayer: Pope Francis emphasized the importance of prayer in his homily at Mass on Sunday, saying that prayer is essential for building a more just and peaceful world. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Vatican Secretary of State on the situation in Ukraine: Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin expressed concern over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, calling for a peaceful resolution and an end to violence. (Source: Vatican News)

Upcoming Events

  1. Pope Francis to canonize two new saints: Pope Francis will canonize two new saints, including a French nun and an Italian priest, on April 10. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Vatican to host international conference on interfaith dialogue: The Vatican will host an international conference on interfaith dialogue in May, bringing together religious leaders and scholars to promote understanding and cooperation between faiths. (Source: Vatican News)