Vatican catholic news

Here are some recent news articles from the Vatican and the Catholic Church:

Vatican News

  1. Pope Francis appoints new Secretary of State: Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin as the new Secretary of State, replacing Cardinal Pietro Parolin. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Vatican announces new canonization process: The Vatican has announced a new process for canonizing saints, which will include a more streamlined and efficient process. (Source: Vatican News)
  3. Pope Francis meets with Ukrainian President: Pope Francis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Vatican, discussing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for peace. (Source: Vatican News)

Catholic News Agency

  1. US bishops approve new translation of the Mass: The US bishops have approved a new translation of the Mass, which will be implemented in 2024. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Pope Francis appoints new bishop in the US: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Michael F. Olson as the new bishop of Fort Worth, Texas. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  3. Vatican announces new document on the family: The Vatican has announced a new document on the family, which will be released in 2023. (Source: Catholic News Agency)

Catholic Herald

  1. Pope Francis meets with Anglican Archbishop: Pope Francis met with Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby at the Vatican, discussing ecumenical relations and the need for unity. (Source: Catholic Herald)
  2. Vatican announces new museum exhibit: The Vatican has announced a new museum exhibit on the history of the papacy, which will feature artifacts and relics from the Vatican's archives. (Source: Catholic Herald)
  3. Pope Francis appoints new cardinal: Pope Francis has appointed Cardinal Marcello Semeraro as the new Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. (Source: Catholic Herald)

Other Catholic News Sources

  1. National Catholic Register: The National Catholic Register is a leading Catholic news source, featuring articles on Catholic news, opinion, and analysis.
  2. Crux: Crux is a Catholic news site that covers news, analysis, and commentary on the Catholic Church and the world.
  3. America Magazine: America Magazine is a Jesuit publication that features articles on Catholic news, opinion, and analysis.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles from the Vatican and the Catholic Church.