Var doc new jspdf

A JavaScript PDF library!

var doc = new jsPDF();

This line of code creates a new instance of the jsPDF library, which is a popular JavaScript library for generating PDF documents.

The jsPDF library provides a simple and intuitive API for creating PDF documents, allowing you to add text, images, tables, and other elements to a PDF document programmatically.

By creating a new instance of jsPDF, you're essentially setting up a blank PDF document that you can then populate with content using various methods provided by the library.

Some common methods you might use to add content to your PDF document include:

Here's an example of how you might use some of these methods to create a simple PDF document:

var doc = new jsPDF();

doc.text("Hello, World!", 10, 10);
doc.addImage("image.jpg", 10, 20);
doc.text("This is a new page!", 10, 10);"example.pdf");

This code creates a new PDF document, adds some text and an image to the first page, adds a new page, and then saves the document to a file named "example.pdf".