Vanguard news network

Vanguard News Network (VNN) is a white nationalist and neo-Nazi online news and commentary website. The website was founded in 2005 by Harold Covington, a white nationalist and anti-Semitic author, and has since become a prominent platform for white supremacist and neo-Nazi ideology.

VNN features a range of content, including news articles, commentary pieces, and podcasts, all of which are focused on promoting white nationalist and neo-Nazi beliefs. The website's content often includes anti-Semitic and racist rhetoric, as well as conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.

VNN has been linked to several high-profile white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, including the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP). The website has also been associated with several violent incidents, including the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which resulted in the death of a counter-protester.

VNN has been criticized by many for promoting hate speech and inciting violence against minority groups. The website has been banned from several social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, due to its violation of community standards.

In 2019, VNN's founder, Harold Covington, died, and the website was taken over by a new group of administrators. Despite this, the website continues to operate and promote white supremacist and neo-Nazi ideology.

It's worth noting that VNN is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a non-profit organization that tracks and monitors hate groups in the United States. The SPLC has designated VNN as a hate group due to its promotion of white supremacist and neo-Nazi beliefs, as well as its association with violent incidents and hate crimes.