Valentines ice breakers

Here are some Valentine's Day-themed icebreaker activities that can help your group get to know each other better:

  1. Two Truths and a Lie: Valentine's Edition

Ask each person to come up with two true statements and one false statement about themselves related to Valentine's Day or love. The other participants have to guess which one is the lie.

  1. Love Song Association Game

Play a popular love song and ask each person to share a song that reminds them of a special someone or a memorable Valentine's Day. Then, play the next song and ask each person to share a song that reminds them of the previous song.

  1. Valentine's Day Would You Rather

Prepare a list of "Would You Rather" questions with a Valentine's Day twist, such as "Would you rather have a lifetime supply of chocolates or be able to send a love letter to anyone in the world?" Ask each person to choose which option they prefer and explain why.

  1. The Gift of Storytelling

Ask each person to bring a small gift related to Valentine's Day (e.g., a heart-shaped keychain, a box of chocolates, etc.). Then, have each person share a story about why they chose that gift and what it represents to them.

  1. Love Language Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt with clues related to the five love languages (words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch). The final clue leads to a small gift or treat that represents the love language.

  1. Valentine's Day Trivia

Prepare a trivia game with questions about Valentine's Day history, traditions, and pop culture. Divide the group into teams and see who knows the most about Valentine's Day.

  1. The One-Word Game

Ask each person to come up with a word that describes their idea of love or Valentine's Day. Then, have each person explain why they chose that word. This can lead to some interesting and thought-provoking conversations!

  1. Couple's Match

Prepare a set of cards with different Valentine's Day-themed questions or prompts (e.g., "Who is your favorite romantic comedy?" or "What is your favorite way to spend a date night?"). Shuffle the cards and have each person draw one. Then, ask them to find someone in the group who has the same answer and introduce themselves.

  1. Valentine's Day Word Association

Ask each person to write down a word related to Valentine's Day on a piece of paper. Then, collect the papers and read out the words. Ask each person to explain why they chose that word and see if there are any common themes or patterns.

  1. The Love Letter Game

Prepare a set of blank cards and ask each person to write a love letter to someone in the group (it can be a friend, family member, or even a crush). Then, collect the letters and have each person read out their letter anonymously. This can be a fun and romantic way to get to know each other better.

Remember to keep the activities light-hearted and fun, and make sure they're inclusive for everyone in the group. Happy Valentine's Day!