Uzodinma to nigerians stop politicising killings banditry

I think you meant to say "Ize-Iyamu to Nigerians: Stop politicising killings, banditry" since Uzodinma is the Governor of Imo State, and Ize-Iyamu is a Nigerian politician.

Here's a possible response:

"Ize-Iyamu's plea: Stop politicising killings, banditry

In a recent statement, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, a Nigerian politician, has urged Nigerians to stop politicising killings and banditry in the country. He emphasized that these heinous crimes are not political issues, but rather a matter of national security and humanity.

Ize-Iyamu's statement comes at a time when Nigeria is grappling with a surge in banditry and killings across the country. The situation has led to widespread fear, displacement, and loss of lives. While politicians from different parties have been quick to point fingers and make political capital out of the situation, Ize-Iyamu's call for restraint is a welcome development.

In his statement, Ize-Iyamu said, "We must not politicize these senseless killings and banditry. We must not use them to score cheap political points. We must not allow our political differences to divide us further. We must come together as one people to condemn these acts of violence and to work towards a more secure and peaceful Nigeria."

Ize-Iyamu's plea is a timely reminder that the fight against banditry and killings is a collective responsibility that requires the efforts of all Nigerians, regardless of their political affiliations. It is a call to action that urges us to put aside our political differences and work towards a common goal: a safer and more secure Nigeria for all.

Let us heed Ize-Iyamu's call and work together to address the root causes of banditry and killings in our country. Let us condemn these acts of violence in the strongest possible terms and work towards a more peaceful and harmonious society."