Using 12 5kg cylinder as camp gas highly dangerous son

I understand your concern! Using 12 x 5kg cylinders of camp gas can indeed be a safety concern. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Explosive risk: Propane is a highly flammable gas, and when used in large quantities, it can increase the risk of explosions. With 12 x 5kg cylinders, you're dealing with a significant amount of propane, which can be a recipe for disaster.
  2. Fire hazard: Propane is also a fire hazard, especially when not handled properly. With so many cylinders, there's a higher risk of accidental ignition, which can lead to a devastating fire.
  3. Overcrowding: Storing 12 x 5kg cylinders in a small space can lead to overcrowding, which can cause the cylinders to become unstable and increase the risk of accidents.
  4. Weight and structural integrity: The weight of the cylinders can put additional stress on the structure of your camp or storage area, potentially leading to collapse or damage.
  5. Regulatory compliance: Depending on your location, there may be specific regulations and guidelines for storing and using propane cylinders. Using 12 x 5kg cylinders may not comply with these regulations, putting you and others at risk.

To mitigate these risks, I recommend the following:

  1. Use smaller cylinders: Consider using smaller cylinders (e.g., 1-2 kg) to reduce the overall risk.
  2. Store cylinders safely: Ensure that the cylinders are stored in a well-ventilated area, away from heat sources, open flames, and sparks.
  3. Follow safety guidelines: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines for handling and storing propane cylinders.
  4. Check local regulations: Verify that your use of propane cylinders complies with local regulations and guidelines.
  5. Consider alternative options: If you're concerned about the risks associated with using 12 x 5kg cylinders, consider alternative options for cooking or heating, such as electric or solar-powered appliances.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when handling and storing propane cylinders. If you're unsure about any aspect of using these cylinders, it's best to err on the side of caution and seek professional advice.