Usa news paper list

Here is a list of some of the most popular newspapers in the United States:

National Newspapers

  1. The New York Times (NYT)
  2. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
  3. USA Today
  4. The Washington Post (WP)
  5. Los Angeles Times (LAT)
  6. The Chicago Tribune (CT)
  7. The Boston Globe (BG)
  8. The Dallas Morning News (DMN)
  9. The San Francisco Chronicle (SFC)
  10. The Denver Post (DP)

Regional Newspapers

  1. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) - Georgia
  2. The Baltimore Sun (BS) - Maryland
  3. The Cleveland Plain Dealer (CPD) - Ohio
  4. The Detroit Free Press (DFP) - Michigan
  5. The Houston Chronicle (HC) - Texas
  6. The Indianapolis Star (IS) - Indiana
  7. The Kansas City Star (KCS) - Missouri
  8. The Miami Herald (MH) - Florida
  9. The Minneapolis Star Tribune (Strib) - Minnesota
  10. The Philadelphia Inquirer (PI) - Pennsylvania

Online Newspapers

  1. HuffPost (Huffington Post)
  2. The Daily Beast
  3. Politico
  4. The Hill
  5. The Daily Caller
  6. The Blaze
  7. Newsweek
  8. The Nation
  9. The New Yorker
  10. The Atlantic

Specialty Newspapers

  1. The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) - Christian perspective
  2. The Jewish Daily Forward (FWD) - Jewish perspective
  3. The National Catholic Reporter (NCR) - Catholic perspective
  4. The Nation's Restaurant News (NRN) - Food and hospitality industry
  5. The Hollywood Reporter (THR) - Entertainment industry
  6. The Sports Business Journal (SBJ) - Sports industry
  7. The Aviation Week & Space Technology (AWST) - Aviation and aerospace industry
  8. The National Law Journal (NLJ) - Legal industry
  9. The American Banker (AB) - Banking and finance industry
  10. The Insurance News Network (INN) - Insurance industry

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other newspapers in the United States that are not included here.