Usa news group

Here are some popular news groups in the United States:

  1. The New York Times: One of the most widely read and respected newspapers in the world, with a strong online presence.
  2. The Washington Post: A leading source of national and international news, with a focus on politics and government.
  3. The Wall Street Journal: A financial news organization that provides in-depth coverage of business, economics, and finance.
  4. USA Today: A national newspaper that covers a wide range of topics, including news, sports, and entertainment.
  5. The Los Angeles Times: A major newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment in Southern California and beyond.
  6. The Chicago Tribune: A leading newspaper in the Midwest, covering news, sports, and entertainment in the Chicago area and beyond.
  7. The Boston Globe: A respected newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment in New England and beyond.
  8. The Associated Press: A non-profit news cooperative that provides news coverage to thousands of newspapers, radio, and television stations.
  9. Reuters: A global news agency that provides news coverage to media outlets around the world.
  10. AP News: The news division of the Associated Press, providing breaking news and in-depth coverage of national and international events.

Online News Groups:

  1. Drudge Report: A popular news aggregator that provides links to news stories from around the web.
  2. The Daily Beast: A news and opinion website that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, entertainment, and culture.
  3. HuffPost: A news and opinion website that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, entertainment, and culture.
  4. The Hill: A news website that focuses on politics and government, with a strong emphasis on Capitol Hill and Washington, D.C.
  5. Politico: A news website that covers politics and government, with a focus on national and international news.
  6. The Daily Caller: A news website that covers politics, entertainment, and culture, with a conservative perspective.
  7. The Blaze: A news website that covers politics, entertainment, and culture, with a conservative perspective.
  8. Newsmax: A news website that covers politics, entertainment, and culture, with a conservative perspective.
  9. Breitbart News: A news website that covers politics, entertainment, and culture, with a conservative perspective.
  10. The Intercept: A news website that covers national security, politics, and civil liberties, with a progressive perspective.

These are just a few examples of the many news groups in the United States. There are many other news organizations, both online and offline, that provide news coverage to the public.