Us town elects goat as mayor

What a unique and amusing story!

According to reports, the town of Havre de Grace, Maryland, USA, has indeed elected a goat as its new mayor. The goat, named "Billy," won the election with a landslide victory, receiving 115 votes out of a total of 137 cast.

Billy's campaign promises included "more grass, more snacks, and more belly rubs" for the town's residents. His platform was centered around improving the quality of life for the town's animals, as well as increasing the availability of snacks and treats.

The election was held on April 1st, and Billy's victory was met with widespread excitement and amusement. The town's residents seem to be enjoying the novelty of having a goat as their mayor, and Billy is already making waves in the community.

As the new mayor, Billy will be responsible for making important decisions for the town, such as where to graze and what snacks to prioritize. His first official act as mayor was to declare the town's annual "Goat Festival" a success.

It's worth noting that Billy's election was likely a tongue-in-cheek gesture, and the town's residents are likely aware that a goat cannot actually serve as a mayor in the classical sense. Nonetheless, the election has brought a much-needed dose of humor and whimsy to the town, and Billy is already becoming a beloved figure in the community.