Us officials info suggests trump associates may have coordinated with russians #comments

It appears that you're referring to the ongoing investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the 2016 US presidential election. The investigation, led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, has been ongoing for several years and has resulted in numerous indictments and guilty pleas from individuals associated with the Trump campaign.

The investigation has focused on allegations that Trump campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, may have coordinated with Russian officials to influence the outcome of the election. The investigation has also looked into whether Trump himself was aware of or involved in any such coordination.

In 2018, the Mueller investigation issued a report that concluded that the Russian government had interfered in the 2016 election, and that the Trump campaign had been aware of and welcomed that interference. The report also found that Trump had attempted to obstruct the investigation, but that he was not exonerated of wrongdoing.

It's worth noting that the investigation is ongoing, and new information may come to light as it continues.