Us news world ranking

You're referring to the US News & World Report's Best Global Universities rankings!

Here are the top 20 universities in the world according to the 2022 US News & World Report's Best Global Universities rankings:

  1. Stanford University (USA) - Score: 83.4
  2. Harvard University (USA) - Score: 82.6
  3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (USA) - Score: 82.4
  4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (USA) - Score: 82.2
  5. University of Cambridge (UK) - Score: 81.9
  6. University of Oxford (UK) - Score: 81.8
  7. Princeton University (USA) - Score: 81.6
  8. University of California, Berkeley (USA) - Score: 81.4
  9. University of Chicago (USA) - Score: 81.3
  10. Columbia University (USA) - Score: 81.2
  11. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (USA) - Score: 80.9
  12. University of Michigan (USA) - Score: 80.8
  13. Johns Hopkins University (USA) - Score: 80.7
  14. University of Washington (USA) - Score: 80.6
  15. University of California, San Diego (USA) - Score: 80.5
  16. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) - Score: 80.4
  17. University of Pennsylvania (USA) - Score: 80.3
  18. Duke University (USA) - Score: 80.2
  19. University of Texas at Austin (USA) - Score: 80.1
  20. University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) - Score: 80.0

These rankings are based on 13 indicators, including global research reputation, regional research reputation, publications, citations per faculty, international collaboration, and more.

Please note that there are many other university rankings, and each has its own methodology and criteria. These rankings are just one way to measure the quality and reputation of universities worldwide.