Us news ranking business analytics

Here are the top-ranked business analytics programs in the US, based on the US News & World Report's 2022 Best Business Analytics Programs rankings:

  1. University of Texas at Austin - McCombs School of Business: Ranked #1 in Business Analytics
  2. University of Chicago - Booth School of Business: Ranked #2 in Business Analytics
  3. University of Michigan - Ross School of Business: Ranked #3 in Business Analytics
  4. Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management: Ranked #4 in Business Analytics
  5. Carnegie Mellon University - Tepper School of Business: Ranked #5 in Business Analytics
  6. Georgia Institute of Technology - Scheller College of Business: Ranked #6 in Business Analytics
  7. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Gies College of Business: Ranked #7 in Business Analytics
  8. University of Washington - Foster School of Business: Ranked #8 in Business Analytics
  9. University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business: Ranked #9 in Business Analytics
  10. University of California, Berkeley - Haas School of Business: Ranked #10 in Business Analytics

These rankings are based on a variety of factors, including:

  1. Peer assessment score (40%): A survey of business school deans and directors who were asked to rate the quality of the business analytics programs at other schools.
  2. Student selectivity (20%): The quality of the students admitted to the program, including their GMAT or GRE scores, undergraduate GPA, and work experience.
  3. Faculty resources (15%): The quality and experience of the faculty teaching in the program, including their research productivity and teaching awards.
  4. Career services (10%): The quality of the career services offered by the program, including job placement rates and average starting salaries.
  5. Alumni success (5%): The success of the program's alumni, including their job placement rates, average starting salaries, and career advancement.
  6. Student outcomes (5%): The program's student outcomes, including job placement rates, average starting salaries, and career advancement.

It's worth noting that while these rankings can provide a general sense of the quality of a business analytics program, they are just one factor to consider when choosing a program. Other factors, such as the program's curriculum, faculty expertise, and career opportunities, should also be taken into account.