Us govt says immigrants can seek coronavirus care without fear

That's great news! On March 13, 2020, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a joint statement assuring that immigrants, including undocumented individuals, can seek medical care for COVID-19 without fear of deportation or immigration consequences.

The statement was issued in response to concerns that immigrants might be hesitant to seek medical attention due to fear of being reported to immigration authorities. The agencies emphasized that seeking medical care for COVID-19 is a public health necessity and that individuals should not be deterred from seeking treatment due to their immigration status.

The statement reads:

"Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of their immigration status, should seek medical attention immediately. The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services want to assure the public that seeking medical care for COVID-19 will not trigger immigration enforcement actions against the individual or their family members."

This announcement aims to alleviate concerns and encourage immigrants to seek medical care if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. It's essential to remember that seeking medical care is a critical step in preventing the spread of the virus and protecting public health.

It's worth noting that this statement does not apply to individuals who are already in immigration custody or have been ordered removed from the country. In those cases, individuals should follow the instructions of immigration authorities and seek medical care through the facilities provided by the detention centers.

Overall, this announcement is a positive step towards ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their immigration status, have access to the medical care they need to combat COVID-19.