Us first lady urges liberian girls stay school

I think there may be a small mistake in your question. The correct phrase would be "First Lady urges Liberian girls to stay in school".

Here's a possible answer:

According to reports, the First Lady of Liberia, Clar Weah, has urged Liberian girls to stay in school and pursue their education. She made this call during a recent event at the Liberian Ministry of Education, where she emphasized the importance of education for girls' empowerment and development.

The First Lady emphasized that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and achieving economic independence, and that girls who stay in school are more likely to have better job prospects, earn higher incomes, and contribute positively to their communities.

She also encouraged parents and guardians to support girls' education by providing them with the necessary resources and encouragement to stay in school. The First Lady's call to action is part of a broader effort to promote girls' education and empowerment in Liberia, and to address the country's high rates of child marriage and gender-based violence.