Us catholic news

Here are some recent news articles from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) and other Catholic news sources:


  1. Pope Francis Appoints New Bishop for Diocese of Camden: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Joseph A. Galante as the new bishop of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey. (Source: USCCB)
  2. US Bishops' Chairman on Migration Issues Calls for Compassion and Action: Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Migration, has called on the US government to take action to address the root causes of migration and to provide a compassionate response to those seeking asylum. (Source: USCCB)
  3. US Bishops' Chairman on Domestic Justice Calls for Action on Poverty and Inequality: Bishop Frank J. Dewane, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, has called on the US government to take action to address poverty and inequality in the country. (Source: USCCB)

Other Catholic News Sources

  1. Catholic News Agency (CNA): CNA is a leading source of Catholic news and information. Recent articles include:
    • "Pope Francis: 'We are not a museum, we are a living Church'"
    • "US bishops urge Congress to pass Dream Act"
    • "Pope Francis: 'The Church is not a business, it's a family'"
  2. National Catholic Reporter (NCR): NCR is a leading Catholic news source that covers a wide range of topics, including news, opinion, and analysis. Recent articles include:
    • "Pope Francis' new document on the Amazon synod: A summary"
    • "US bishops' conference president: 'We're not going to be silenced'"
    • "Pope Francis: 'The Church is not a place, it's a people'"
  3. America Magazine: America Magazine is a leading Catholic magazine that covers news, opinion, and analysis. Recent articles include:
    • "The Amazon synod's final document: A summary"
    • "Pope Francis' new document on the Amazon synod: A commentary"
    • "The US bishops' conference and the Amazon synod"

These are just a few examples of the many Catholic news sources available.