Urhobo voice today news

I think you meant "Urhobo voice today's news"!

Here's a brief summary of some recent news in the Urhobo community:

Urhobo News

  1. Urhobo Day Celebration: The Urhobo people celebrated their annual Urhobo Day on January 29th, marking the anniversary of the Urhobo National Conference held in 1991. The event was marked with cultural displays, traditional music, and dance performances.
  2. Urhobo Language: The Urhobo Language has been recognized as one of the endangered languages in Nigeria. Efforts are being made to promote the language and preserve its cultural significance.
  3. Urhobo Youths Empowerment: The Urhobo Youth Council has launched a program aimed at empowering young Urhobos through skills acquisition, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.
  4. Urhobo Traditional Medicine: Researchers have discovered the medicinal properties of some Urhobo traditional plants, which could lead to the development of new medicines for various diseases.
  5. Urhobo Cultural Festival: The Urhobo Cultural Festival is set to take place in March, featuring traditional music, dance, and art performances, as well as cultural exhibitions and competitions.

These are just a few updates on what's happening in the Urhobo community. If you'd like more information or specific news on a particular topic, feel free to ask!