Upset at trump mexico voices worry and irritation to u s envoys

According to reports, Mexican officials expressed their frustration and concern to US envoys in a meeting on January 27, 2020, regarding the Trump administration's plans to impose tariffs on Mexican goods.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and Economy Minister Graciela Márquez were said to have voiced their worries and irritation to US Ambassador to Mexico Christopher Landau and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, citing the potential economic harm and damage to bilateral relations.

The meeting was reportedly tense, with the Mexican officials emphasizing that the tariffs would not only harm Mexico's economy but also have negative consequences for the US, including higher prices for American consumers and potential job losses.

The Mexican officials also expressed disappointment and frustration with the Trump administration's handling of the situation, saying that they had not been adequately consulted or informed about the plans to impose tariffs.

The meeting came after President Trump announced on January 26, 2020, that he would impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican goods, effective June 10, 2020, in an effort to pressure Mexico to do more to stem the flow of migrants and asylum seekers crossing the US-Mexico border.

The tariffs were eventually suspended in June 2020 after Mexico agreed to take steps to address the US concerns, including deploying its national guard to its southern border and increasing its efforts to reduce migration.