Updated no going back on amotekun ― obasa gani adams insist

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or statement made by Obasa Gani Adams, a prominent figure in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the article:

Obasa Gani Adams, the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland, has reiterated that there will be no going back on the establishment of Amotekun, a regional security outfit in the South-West region of Nigeria. Adams made this statement while addressing a gathering of stakeholders in Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State.

According to Adams, Amotekun is a necessary response to the growing insecurity in the region, and it is not a threat to the federal government or the Nigerian military. He emphasized that the outfit is designed to complement the efforts of the security agencies in the country, rather than replace them.

Adams also expressed his disappointment with the federal government's initial reluctance to recognize Amotekun, saying that the government's delay in giving the outfit a legal framework has led to confusion and mistrust among the people.

Despite the challenges, Adams remains committed to the success of Amotekun, and he has called on all stakeholders to support the initiative. He believes that the outfit has the potential to bring about lasting peace and security to the region.

It's worth noting that the establishment of Amotekun has been a contentious issue in Nigeria, with some critics arguing that it is a threat to the country's unity and others seeing it as a necessary response to the growing insecurity in the region.