Update news on asuu strike

The ASUU strike! Here's an update on the latest developments:

Latest News (as of March 2023)

  1. Negotiations Continue: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government have been engaged in ongoing negotiations to resolve the strike. The union has been demanding improved funding for public universities, revitalization of the education sector, and implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement.
  2. Government Offers New Proposals: The Federal Government has presented new proposals to ASUU, which include a 23.7% increase in the 2022 budget allocation to the education sector, a 10% increase in the 2023 budget allocation, and a commitment to implement the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement. However, ASUU has expressed concerns over the lack of concrete details and timelines for implementation.
  3. Strike Enters 10th Week: The ASUU strike has now entered its 10th week, with many students and parents growing increasingly frustrated. The strike has affected over 70% of Nigeria's universities, with many students unable to access their campuses or attend classes.
  4. Court Injunction: A Federal High Court in Abuja has issued an injunction restraining ASUU from continuing the strike. However, the union has refused to comply, citing the government's failure to meet its demands.
  5. International Community Intervenes: The international community, including the United Nations, has expressed concern over the strike and its impact on Nigerian students. The UN has called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Key Demands of ASUU

  1. Improved Funding: ASUU is demanding a significant increase in funding for public universities to address the current funding crisis.
  2. Revitalization of the Education Sector: The union is seeking the revitalization of the education sector, including the provision of infrastructure, equipment, and staff development opportunities.
  3. Implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement: ASUU is demanding the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which includes the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances to university lecturers.
  4. Consequential Adjustments: The union is seeking consequential adjustments to the salaries of university lecturers, which were not implemented after the 2009 agreement.

What's Next?

The negotiations between ASUU and the Federal Government are ongoing, and it's unclear when a resolution will be reached. The strike is likely to continue until the union's demands are met. Students and parents are advised to monitor the situation and stay informed about any updates.

Remember to stay safe and healthy during this challenging time!