University of new england location

The University of New England (UNE) has multiple locations in Maine and Massachusetts, USA. Here are the locations:

Maine Locations:

  1. Biddeford Campus: This is the main campus of the University of New England, located in Biddeford, Maine. The campus is situated on the coast of Maine, about 30 miles south of Portland.
  2. Portland Campus: UNE has a satellite campus in Portland, Maine, which offers programs in fields such as business, education, and healthcare.

Massachusetts Locations:

  1. Boston Campus: UNE has a campus in Boston, Massachusetts, which offers programs in fields such as healthcare, business, and education.
  2. Worcester Campus: UNE has a satellite campus in Worcester, Massachusetts, which offers programs in fields such as healthcare and education.

Other Locations:

  1. UNE Online: UNE offers online programs and courses, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  2. UNE-Australia: UNE has a partnership with the University of New England in Australia, which offers joint programs and research collaborations.

Overall, the University of New England has a strong presence in both Maine and Massachusetts, with multiple locations offering a range of academic programs and research opportunities.