University of calabar 19 year old first class graduate shares success story

I'm happy to share the success story of a 19-year-old first-class graduate from the University of Calabar!

Name: Nwosu Chidinma

Age: 19

University: University of Calabar

Course: Microbiology

Class: First Class Honors


Nwosu Chidinma, a 19-year-old undergraduate of the University of Calabar, has made history by graduating with a First Class Honors degree in Microbiology at the age of 19. Chidinma's remarkable achievement is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and passion for learning.

Born and raised in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, Chidinma developed an interest in science and mathematics from a young age. She was always fascinated by the wonders of the microscopic world and decided to pursue a career in Microbiology.

Chidinma's academic journey began at the University of Calabar, where she was admitted to study Microbiology in 2018. Despite being one of the youngest students in her class, she was determined to excel. She spent countless hours studying, attending lectures, and participating in extracurricular activities to hone her skills.

Throughout her undergraduate program, Chidinma consistently maintained a high grade point average (GPA), earning her a spot on the Dean's List. Her academic excellence earned her several awards and recognition from the university, including the Best Student in Microbiology award.

Chidinma's success is not limited to her academic achievements. She was also an active member of the university's Microbiology Club, where she participated in research projects, seminars, and workshops. Her involvement in these activities helped her develop valuable skills in research, communication, and teamwork.

What drove her to succeed:

When asked about her secret to success, Chidinma attributed it to her strong support system, including her parents, teachers, and friends. She also credited her determination and passion for learning, saying, "I always believed that I could achieve my goals if I worked hard and stayed focused."

Chidinma also emphasized the importance of time management, saying, "I learned to prioritize my tasks, set realistic goals, and take regular breaks to avoid burnout. This helped me stay motivated and maintain a healthy work-life balance."

What's next:

After her graduation, Chidinma plans to pursue a Master's degree in Microbiology, with a focus on infectious diseases. She hopes to contribute to the development of new treatments and vaccines for diseases that affect millions of people worldwide.

Advice to young students:

Chidinma's advice to young students is to "never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem. Stay focused, work hard, and believe in yourself. Surround yourself with positive influences, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it."


Nwosu Chidinma's remarkable achievement is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and passion. Her story serves as an inspiration to young students, showing that with the right mindset and support, anything is possible. Congratulations to Chidinma on her outstanding achievement, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors!