University news today

Here are some university news stories from around the world:


  1. Stanford University: Researchers at Stanford have developed a new method to convert carbon dioxide into a valuable chemical compound, which could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Source: Stanford News)
  2. Harvard University: Harvard has launched a new program to provide free tuition to all students from low-income families, starting from the 2023-2024 academic year. (Source: Harvard Gazette)
  3. University of California, Berkeley: A team of scientists at UC Berkeley has discovered a new species of ancient human in the Philippines, which is believed to have lived around 50,000 years ago. (Source: UC Berkeley News)


  1. University of Oxford: Oxford has announced a new partnership with the UK government to develop a vaccine against COVID-19. (Source: Oxford University News)
  2. University College London: UCL has launched a new centre to study the impact of climate change on cities, with a focus on developing sustainable urban planning strategies. (Source: UCL News)
  3. University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh has opened a new centre for artificial intelligence and data science, which will focus on developing AI solutions for healthcare and other industries. (Source: Edinburgh University News)


  1. University of Melbourne: Melbourne has launched a new program to provide free mental health support to all students, in response to growing concerns about student wellbeing. (Source: Melbourne University News)
  2. University of Sydney: Sydney has announced a new partnership with the Australian government to develop a vaccine against COVID-19. (Source: Sydney University News)
  3. University of Queensland: UQ has discovered a new species of frog in the Amazon rainforest, which is believed to be one of the most endangered species in the world. (Source: UQ News)


  1. University of Toronto: Toronto has launched a new program to provide free tuition to all students from low-income families, starting from the 2023-2024 academic year. (Source: Toronto University News)
  2. McGill University: McGill has announced a new partnership with the Canadian government to develop a vaccine against COVID-19. (Source: McGill News)
  3. University of British Columbia: UBC has opened a new centre for Indigenous studies, which will focus on promoting Indigenous knowledge and culture. (Source: UBC News)

These are just a few examples of university news from around the world. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you with that!