United news of bangladesh

United News of Bangladesh (UNB) is one of the largest and most respected news agencies in Bangladesh. Here are some key facts about UNB:

History: UNB was established in 1988 as a joint venture between the Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS), the country's state-run news agency, and the International News Agency (INA) of Japan.

Scope: UNB provides news coverage to local and international media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, television channels, radio stations, and online news websites.

Services: UNB offers a range of services, including:

  1. News gathering and reporting: UNB has a network of correspondents and reporters across Bangladesh, providing up-to-date news coverage on politics, business, sports, entertainment, and other topics.
  2. News distribution: UNB distributes news to its clients through various channels, including wire services, email, and online platforms.
  3. Photo and video services: UNB provides high-quality photographs and videos to its clients, covering news events, sports, and other topics.
  4. Feature services: UNB offers feature articles, interviews, and profiles on various topics, including politics, business, culture, and entertainment.

Clients: UNB's clients include major newspapers and media outlets in Bangladesh, such as The Daily Star, The Bangladesh Observer, and The New Age, as well as international news agencies like Reuters, AP, and AFP.

Awards and recognition: UNB has received several awards and recognition for its journalism, including the prestigious Bangladesh National Press Award and the International Association of Press Clubs (IAPC) Award.

Online presence: UNB has a strong online presence, with its website (www.unb.com.bd) providing news updates, feature articles, and multimedia content to readers around the world.

Social media: UNB is active on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, where it shares news updates, videos, and other content.

Overall, United News of Bangladesh is a respected and trusted news agency in Bangladesh, providing high-quality news coverage to local and international audiences.