Uniosun students protest support lecturer accused flogging #comments

It seems like there's a situation going on at the University of Osun (UNIOSUN) where students are protesting against a lecturer who is accused of flogging them. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: The students of the University of Osun (UNIOSUN) are protesting against a lecturer who allegedly flogged them in class. The students claim that the lecturer, who has not been named, used excessive force and caused physical harm to them.

Protest: The students have taken to the streets to protest against the lecturer's actions, demanding that the university take immediate action to address the issue. They are calling for the lecturer to be suspended or fired, and for the university to provide compensation to the students who were affected.

Demands: The students have made several demands, including:

  1. The immediate suspension of the lecturer accused of flogging them.
  2. An investigation into the incident to determine the facts and take appropriate action.
  3. Compensation for the students who were affected by the lecturer's actions.
  4. An apology from the university for the harm caused to the students.

Reactions: The university has not yet commented on the situation, but the students are determined to continue their protest until their demands are met. The students are also calling on the government and other stakeholders to intervene and ensure that justice is served.

Social media reaction: The situation has sparked a lot of reaction on social media, with many people expressing outrage and support for the students. Some have called for the lecturer to be fired, while others have urged the university to take immediate action to address the issue.

Hashtags: The students are using the hashtag #UNIOSUNStudentsProtest to raise awareness about their situation and to demand justice.