Unilorin don warns against consumption of processed food #comments

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UNILORIN Don Warns Against Consumption of Processed Food


@FoodieFan: This is so true! I've been trying to cut down on processed foods and it's been a game-changer for my health. Thanks for the reminder, Prof!

@HealthEnthusiast: I completely agree! Processed foods are filled with added sugars, salt, and unhealthy fats. It's amazing how much better we can feel when we eat whole, natural foods.

@FitnessFreak: I've noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and overall fitness since I started avoiding processed foods. Thanks for the advice, Prof!

@NutritionNerd: This is so important! Processed foods can be addictive and lead to nutrient deficiencies. It's crucial to read labels and choose whole foods whenever possible.

@StudentLife: I never thought about it this way, but it makes sense. I'll definitely try to cut down on processed foods and opt for healthier options. Thanks for the tip, Prof!

@FoodForThought: This is a great reminder to be mindful of what we're putting in our bodies. It's not just about taste, but about our overall health and well-being.

@Professor's Assistant: Thank you, Prof! Your advice is always so valuable. Can you recommend some healthy alternatives to processed foods?

@Professor's Response: Ah, yes! I'd be happy to share some healthy alternatives. For example, instead of reaching for packaged snacks, try fresh fruits and veggies. Instead of processed meats, opt for lean proteins like chicken and fish. And instead of sugary drinks, choose water or unsweetened tea. Remember, every small change counts!