Unilag students donate blood to sickle cell child patients #

That's a wonderful act of kindness and compassion! Here's a possible article based on the information you provided:

UNILAG Students Donate Blood to Sickle Cell Child Patients

In a heartwarming display of empathy and generosity, students of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) have donated blood to sickle cell child patients at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH).

The blood donation exercise, which took place on [date], was organized by the UNILAG Students' Union in collaboration with the LUTH Blood Bank. The event aimed to provide much-needed blood transfusions to children suffering from sickle cell anemia, a genetic disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sickle cell anemia is a major public health concern in Nigeria, with an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 new cases reported annually. The disease can cause severe pain, anemia, and increased risk of infections, making blood transfusions a crucial treatment option.

The UNILAG students, who were screened and cleared by medical professionals before donating, showed remarkable enthusiasm and commitment to the cause. "We are happy to be able to make a difference in the lives of these children," said [name], a UNILAG student who participated in the blood donation exercise. "As students, we believe it is our responsibility to give back to the community and support those in need."

The blood donation exercise was a huge success, with over [number] pints of blood collected from the students. The blood will be used to treat sickle cell child patients at LUTH and other hospitals in the state.

The UNILAG Students' Union and the LUTH Blood Bank have expressed their gratitude to the students for their generosity and commitment to the cause. "We are grateful to the UNILAG students for their willingness to donate blood and support our efforts to provide quality healthcare to our patients," said [name], a representative of the LUTH Blood Bank.

This selfless act of kindness by the UNILAG students serves as a reminder of the importance of community service and the impact that individuals can have on the lives of others. It is a shining example of the university's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.