Unilag newly admitted students to undergo drug test #comments

Here are some comments on the news that UNILAG newly admitted students will undergo drug test:

Comment 1 "This is a great move by UNILAG! It's about time we take a stand against drug abuse on campus. I'm glad they're taking proactive measures to ensure the well-being of their students." - @UNILAGStudent

Comment 2 "I'm not sure I agree with this. What's the point of drug testing? It's not like it's going to solve the problem of drug abuse. We need to focus on education and awareness instead." - @ConcernedCitizen

Comment 3 "This is a joke, right? UNILAG is just trying to flex its muscles. What's the criteria for passing the test? Is it going to be a random selection or will they be targeting specific students? So many questions." - @SkepticalStudent

Comment 4 "I'm all for it! As a student, I want to know that my university is taking my safety seriously. Drug abuse is a serious issue and we need to address it head-on. Kudos to UNILAG for taking the initiative." - @SupportiveAlum

Comment 5 "This is a violation of our rights! What's next, random searches and body cavity searches? UNILAG needs to focus on providing quality education and infrastructure instead of trying to control our personal lives." - @RightsActivist

Comment 6 "I'm not sure how this is going to work. Are they going to have a team of drug testers on campus? How will they ensure that the test is fair and unbiased? So many questions." - @CuriousStudent

Comment 7 "This is a great opportunity for UNILAG to set an example for other universities. I hope they'll also provide support and resources for students who may be struggling with addiction." - @PositiveVibesOnly

Comment 8 "I'm worried about the logistics of this. How will they ensure that the test is confidential? What happens if a student tests positive? Will they be expelled or receive treatment?" - @ConcernedParent