Unilag asuu wants babalakin out as pro chancellor

It seems like there's a developing story!

For those who may not know, UNILAG stands for the University of Lagos, and ASUU is the Academic Staff Union of Universities, a union that represents the interests of university lecturers in Nigeria.

According to reports, the ASUU chapter at UNILAG has been calling for the removal of Babalakin, a prominent businessman and lawyer, as the Pro-Chancellor of the university. The union has been protesting against his leadership, citing alleged mismanagement of university funds and other issues.

The ASUU members are reportedly demanding that Babalakin step down as Pro-Chancellor, citing concerns about his integrity and ability to lead the institution effectively. The union has also accused him of being involved in corrupt practices and misusing university funds.

The controversy surrounding Babalakin's leadership has been ongoing for some time, with both sides trading accusations. The university's governing council has reportedly backed Babalakin, while the ASUU has continued to push for his removal.

It's worth noting that the ASUU is a powerful union that has been involved in several strikes and protests in the past, often over issues related to funding, infrastructure, and staff welfare. The union's demands are often seen as a reflection of the broader concerns of university lecturers and students in Nigeria.

I'll keep an eye on this story and provide updates as more information becomes available!