Unijos lecturers begins indefinite strike

It seems like there's an update on the strike situation at the University of Jos (UNIJOS).

According to reports, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) at UNIJOS has embarked on an indefinite strike. This means that all academic activities have been suspended indefinitely, and lecturers will not be attending classes or performing any academic duties until their demands are met.

The reasons for the strike are not yet clear, but it's likely that the lecturers are protesting issues such as poor working conditions, inadequate funding, and other concerns that affect their ability to effectively teach and conduct research.

This strike may have significant implications for students, who may face disruptions to their academic schedules and potentially even delays in their graduation. It's essential for students to stay informed about the situation and any updates that may be provided by the university administration or ASUU.

Do you have any specific questions about the strike or its potential impact on students?